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have words

will travel

peoplehood plays
by jaisey bates


works in progress

inquiries welcome




three-act plays


the day we were born


this radiant wasteland


RUN. a play.






real time plays

from the peoplehood's menu

of performance possibilities







the litchfield ceremony




a selection of


short & mini plays

& spoken word


the authoress

and the authored


blue & gray:

they call me

the elephant




caged promise


dallas, maine


eating air


my heart & i


on a rocky shore


only the devil

speaks indian


portrait of the artist

as a young woman


soul maker


star crossed


ubuntu, rising


under siege


the wager








cloudy with a chance

of redemption


this radiant wasteland






the peoplehood

the peoplehood is a multicultural, nomadic theater company and community celebrating diversity through the development and performance of different words.

​lots and lots of different words.

mostly by jaisey bates. 


we invite you to join our journey

that we may learn to walk

this beloved ground,

together, in peace


the peoplehood is currently based in los angeles, california,

the traditional unceded home of the KIZH, TONGVA and CHUMASH peoples.

we wish to recognize and honor the original caretakers of this land

and their descendants past, present and future.



© 2024 Jaisey Bates / The Peoplehood

flute songbill neal elk whistle
the peoplehood songfeaturing miatta lebilé & the cycle two cast of 'notes from this fragile blue place we call home'
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