the day we were born
a 3-act play by jaisey bates

the day we were born, by jaisey bates judges' choice / featured play, 2016 OKCTC Native American New Play Festival ARAB MOTHER I dream for our children a world beyond war.

the day we were born, by jaisey bates judges' choice / featured play 2016 OKCTC Native American New Play Festival BENNY Your mom taught us Iñupiaq as our first language – how come you can’t remember? QILALUGAK BECAUSE I’M AMERICAN, MADE IN AMERICA – lookit my tag if you want – 100% ALL AMERICAN it says IN ENGLISH ONLY.

the day we were born, by jaisey bates judges' choice / featured play 2016 OKCTC Native American New Play Festival SOLDIER I can't be here. This is nowhere.

the day we were born, by jaisey bates judges' choice / featured play, 2016 OKCTC Native American New Play Festival ARAB MOTHER I dream for our children a world beyond war.

day we were born
a three-act play by jaisey bates
March 31 to April 9, 2016
Featured play, Oklahoma City Theater Co.'s
2016 Native American New Play Festival
6 nonAEA workshop productions, some actors on-book
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